3D Modeling
    by Jane Trask


We have spent several days making a 3D model of the original part of the smokehouse with Lauren Massari from IATH. We used both AutoCAD and 3d Max to create our model. AutoCad allowed us to import screenshots of Will Rourk’s laser scanning data in order to make very precise measurements of the building’s dimensions, and we were also able to scan a section drawing of the trim into the program and trace around the curves. In 3d Max, we used a vareity of tools to build up the shapes of the building and insert details like the vents around the top. We imported our trim and roof finial tracings into 3d Max and put the whole building together to create a full scale model of the smokehouse. The last step of this process was rendering some images of our product, which can be found here. Thank you to Lauren for all of your help and for teaching us how to use these tools!