The last day in Potsdam featured even more, as if Sanssouci alone was not enough. Babelsberg and the pump house which I had seen through my phone camera telescope the day before was now right in front of me, as well as Klein Geinicke. Jan gave an excellent tour, very personal in nature, and related to us at a deeper level what sort of struggles he faced as someone trying to maintain or propitiate a specific designed landscape being ressurected. Dr. Michael R, the day before had shared some of these things with us, but at his higher level of stewardship the game was a little bit different. Jan had problems more on the ground, on the boundaries of the park, and his love for the place and its challenges showed in his descriptions during the tour. This was something we had definitely discussed and heard about before, but he put the cherry on top of the discussion, so to speak, showing that it is a struggle and a worthy battle to fight for landscapes of history.