Branitz Park (day 4)
    by Nick Wittkofski


Coming to Branitz, I was curious what rules would be consistent with Muskau. Two things were evident from the start: topgraphically, this site is very flat as it was not affected by glacial movement in the way that Muskau was. Second, the size of the park is smaller (though still quite large). However, Pückler employed similar material uses and strategies with water and tree configuration. Cleverly, he used cut and fill methods to create waterways as well as hills enabling him to create the English picturesque landscape quite well. The sequence and pacing of spaces was a familiar rhythm, comprised of surpises and a spatial compression and expansion created by clusters of trees and sections of forest. He still treated us with long vistas with spectacular reveals even though the site lacked the dramatic slopes and ridges that were influential in Muskau.