Part of a larger examination of the secondary circulation - of bodies, views, water - at Muskau, this series of videos, sketches, and photos cuts paths of ascent and descent through the various mine gardens and across the open fields in from of the Mausoleum terrace. I'm particularily interested in the underlying drainage systems - the industrial/post-industrial traces at Muskau that surface amidst picturesque forms/hierarchies - with the utlimate intent to develope a series 'component' types to be read with/against the water chapters. There's a lot of acid mine drainage in both the fields and forests. I'd love to speculate on bio-solid/basic/animal-driven remedial ammendments that might dovetail with the 'performance' of park preservation. In a opposed vein - creative constructions in the spirit of Pueckler - I'm wondering what a 'native' heath/sand/acid-driven set of gardens might include or what the successional view suggests for the low diversity, acidic beech forests more generally.
In addition there are shots of the pineapple house, kitchen gardens, and historic tools.